Friday 22 April 2011

HRM624 Assignment#01 Solution

a) How this crisis can be turned into an opportunity for the organization?


Although the authorities known that they are not responsible for the tempering of the product, but they should need to assume the responsibility to be ensuring public safety first and must recall all the Tylenol Capsule from the Market first. And for this crisis Tylenol need to react so quickly that company must to launch a public relations program immediately, in order to save the integrity of both their product and their corporation as a whole
In order to turn the crisis into opportunity they need to re-introduce the product in the market in the new way with the temp-resisting packing and also must promote the capsules are more resisting to the tempering with introducing some discount and by introducing so introductive literature related to guide the people for proper usage by this mean people will by the product in large quantity due to discount and secure packing with Literature. And when the sale of Capsule will increase it will automatically recover the crisis period loss and the crisis will turned into an opportunity for the organization.

b) Suggest some ways to deal with or prevent uncertain conflicts constructively.


The list of conflicts include the conflict at work place ,product defect, chemical spills and natural disasters for the organizations like the intentional tempering of product such as poisoning of Tylenol Capsules although the uncertain conflicts are not predictable but can be reduce by some factors like:

• For conflict resolution the organization must engage the service of one spoken person to reduce of contradictory statements.

• Need to train the Management, employees and public to how to react with any kind of uncertain conflict constructively.

• Also Insurance and risk management is very important for the conflict Management.

• Organizations must need to develop the advance plans to avoid or solve uncertainty

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